Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mr. Awesome's Grumpy Old Gripe

Saddle on up buck-a-roos, it is time for me to lay down some knowledge on you. My gripe today is about speaking with accents. What drives me nuts is when someone who does not have an accent, a Spanish accent for example, says a word in a specific language with the accent of that language. I had a professor in college, former nun, old white lady, kind of crotchety, but 100% not Spanish sounding. Well she would talk about her trips she would take to El Salvador, and I swear that whenever she would say El Salvador, it would need English subtitles. What the heck? How dumb does it sound when you are saying a sentence with your old lady Midwest accent and then you go to say El Salvador and you turn into a Flamenco dancer. My dad does this, it drives me nuts. But he does it with Italian words. My dad does not speak a lick of Italian, but apparently is fluent in Italian Foods. Ricotta, when said by my dad, somehow becomes some Mafioso sounding word. It is like he turns in to the Godfather for that one glorious word. Alright, Mrs. Awesome is yelling at me that I am taking too long, she needs me to run to el supermarche to pick up some Ricotta.

And another thing, I am sick of hearing about Michael Jackson, so here is a video for you that sums up my feelings toward him. As a warning, it is definitely, NSFW! Jon Lajoie on Michael Jackson.

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