Sunday, June 28, 2009

Back at it...

Sorry bloggers...I have been MIA for quite some time, but I am back now and hopefully out of the funk I have been in.

A few weeks back Mr. Awesome lost his job. We knew it was coming, we just didn't know when. The business he was in was slowing because of the economy and they have been cutting people in the months prior, but it was his turn. We lucked out for awhile, but couldn't get out of it this time. Now normally I would go into immediate panic mode, but I have tried from the moment he walked in the door and told me to try and NOT do that. Of course, I panic from time to time but nothing like how I normally would. I know he is going to be upset and depressed by what happened, and I don't want to add to his worries and so forth. That and we just can't afford to do that now with BA1 in the house..he's always so happy and why would I want to bring him down?

Now the job search is on and hopefully something comes quick.

We did get a sweet vacation out of all of this...and while we were gone I found these....has anyone tried them...all I can say is AMAZINGGGGGGGGGG---YUM. They are cherry flavored kinda like licorice, with a soft sour filling. The only place I can seem to find them is the gas station..hmm..must stock up on them! :)

That's all for now, I'm going to enjoy this weather!

P.S Mr. Awesomes gripe will be back this week as well!

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