Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mr. Awesome's Grumpy Old Gripe

Apparently my wife blogs about my my family. I figured if she was going to talk about us, that I should get in on that too. So I proposed to her a once a week feature, called Mr. Awesome's Grumpy Old Gripe. I will gripe like an old man about something that is on my mind, in under 5 grammatical errors or less (not guarenteed.)

My first gripe is one I am sure many of you share with me. It all started during our snowy Wisconsin winter, the Aweome Wife and I took a snow day after we woke up to double digit inches of snow. We had prepared in advance by renting a couple movies, just in case. We each got to choose a movie, she chose Mama Mia. What a miserable excuse for a movie that was. That brings us to our first gripe: why the hell was Pierce Brosnan giving a singing role. I mean come on, I know Pierce has the sex appeal of 10 Mr. Awesome's, but I would rather listen to Mrs. Awesome cackle out Row Row Row Your Boat. At some point, the casting director should have realized something was up when his or her ears started bleeding. No amount of sex appeal made up for the rusty pipes that belonged to a former 007. For those of you that have not seen the movie, first let me suggest you wear that fact as a badge of honor, and second, let me try and create an analogy for you. His singing was like listening to Roseanne Barr recited Shakespeare. It was like listening to a voice message from Helen Keller. The sound that came out of his mouth had less appeal than the mole on the lunch ladies arm that always seemed to have 3 long hairs coming out of it. What was this casting director thinking, there had to be someone with a moderate amount of singing ability that has sex appeal, even to Mr. Awesome. If they have a sequel, and this is just an Awesome Brand Suggestion, but maybe Uncle Jesse, and his Rippers are available.
HAVE MERCY! (on my ears)