Saturday, August 15, 2009


My husband is mad at me..he says he's not, but he is...he's mad because he had to give up his spot in his annual fantasy football league because he's not working and I can't justify spending $50.00 on "fun stuff" right now when there are things we are sacrificing. Yes, we do get a pizza occassionally and yes I buy BA1 a toy here and there, but if we didn't incorporate stuff like that into our daily schedules we would go nuts...

My husband tells me (and would tell you) that fantasy football doesn't take up as much time as I make it out to, but it really does. He's constantly checking stats, changing players, trash talking on the boards.

The deal was he could do fantasy football if he had a job by the draft date..well the draft date is quickly approaching and nothing has come up. He took on a bouncing job at a bar a few nights a week so he can bring in extra cash and thought that he could use that money for his league. Normally that would make sense, but we have car insurance bill coming up in September, I haven't gotten a hair cut in seriously 5 months..and look like complete ass...BA1 needs some new clothes because he is growing out of all of his and doesn't have any fall clothes...and we have been scrimping on groceries and paying only the minimum on our credit card bills...doesn't it make more sense to contribute that money to our monthly budget, or am I being unreasonable by asking him to give up fantasy football?

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