Sunday, June 7, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away's summer and it's raining..I hate it. When will these nice temps be here for good?

Yesterday we made a huge uh-oh. Mr. A, BA1 and myself spent all day yesterday away from the house, and when we arrived home last night at about 8:00p.m we noticed the dogs were sitting by the window...but no this couldn't be, not our puppies who are just 2 and still wild, who we lock up EVERY SINGLE time we leave the house. oops...apparently we didn't lock the door on the kennel tight and they got out...Well, they got into all the dirty diapers and SHREDDED THEM ON THE LIVING ROOM was awful smelling..they also decided to jump into BA1's crib and bring every blanket and stuffed toy out as well...It could have been much worse, but disgusting nonetheless..

Needless to say I don't think Mr.A will be getting "kisses from the puppies" for a very long time and now my job for the day is finding something to treat our puppies "diaper breath."

1 comment:

the Preppy Princess said...

This is too funny Mrs. Awesome, I know I shouldn't laugh, but it is classic. Precisely what we did once a long time ago...and ours literally destroyed a sofa. Totally shredded the three cushions where people are supposed to sit.

You have mu sympathies! (Love the blog, got here via Twitter!)

Smiles at you,